fischertechnik offers construction kits for children aged 5 and up

Constructions for more sustainability


A portal crane on wheels, a lorry, a fire truck with a water cannon and an aerial ladder - these are just three out of a total of twelve models that children aged five and up can build with the new fischertechnik Junior Engineer construction kit. Junior researchers can learn mechanical skills in a playful manner with the 141 colourful building blocks. The accompanying playing figure called fischertechNik provides an added lively play element. 

Thanks to the solar rotor contained in the construction kit, young constructors are familiarised with the use of renewable energies and their significance to sustainable mobility. Children can build a solar boat or solar helicopter with the construction kit, for instance. The windmill also spins with the help of solar energy. The fischertechnik Junior Engineer construction kit therefore helps familiarise children with modern technologies.


Sandra Roth
Press relations officer fischertechnik,
fischer Consulting,
fischer Innomation,
fischer Innovative Moulds