Developing talents

Developing talents

Discover your career opportunities with us!

We attach great importance to developing managers and specialists from our own ranks. Our diverse Talent Pool programmes offer our employees targeted support to develop their potential. We place particular emphasis on personal development, methodological and social skills, as well as practical project experience.

Our talent programs target six different target groups to support individual needs and career aspirations in the best possible way:

Our talent pools

Junior talent pool:
We offer tailored support to young career starters to identify their potential and prepare them for further tasks.
Management talent pool:
We specifically prepare junior managers for future management tasks and strengthen their management skills.
Expert talent pool:
As a strategic addition to our management careers, we offer our career-oriented employees, who want to work more professionally, the opportunity to develop further in an expert career. The Expert Talent Pool represents the supporting qualification program for this purpose.
Digital talent pool:
Here, the focus is on strengthening digital skills and actively promoting digitalisation at fischer. People with a digital affinity can develop further and play an active role in shaping digital change.
Academic talent pool:
This enables our employees to take part in a master’s degree or a doctorate to advance their academic career and further deepen their expertise.
Top trainee talent pool:
Talents who are to be prepared for a top-class position receive intensive support, targeted training and insights into our national companies in order to further develop their leadership skills.