Professor E.h. (Tongji-Univ.), Dr.-Ing. E.h., Senator E.h. E.h., Dottore Magistrale ad honorem, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Owner, Chairman of the Holding and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the fischer Group

Prof. Klaus Fischer has been at the head of the fischer group of companies for almost 50 years. Under his leadership, the medium-sized company, which was still heavily focused on Germany and plastic anchors, developed into a globally active company. In the field of fastening technology, fischer has grown to become the European market leader and the world market leader in anchors – with a constantly growing product range. With the takeover of the most important competitor in Germany, Upat GmbH & Co. (Emmendingen), and ROCCA Bauchemie GmbH + Co. (Denzlingen) a strong competence in chemical fasteners and steel anchors. Consistently, Prof. Klaus Fischer also promoted internationalisation by founding and acquiring companies and setting up further production sites in Europe, Asia and America. With the addition of the new divisions fischer Consulting (process consulting) and fischer Electronic Solutions (electronic systems), he broadened the economic basis of the group of companies.

In 1987, Prof. Klaus Fischer introduced the fischer mission statement, which defines the company goal and the binding values for all employees in the company: innovative, independent, serious. Early on, he recognised the need for new organisational structures and management methods. Following the ideas of the Japanese Kaizen (continuous improvement), he developed his own philosophy to improve all company processes and to avoid waste (fischer ProzessSystem). For his outstanding commitment to in-house and non-in-house training and further education, Prof. Klaus Fischer was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class in 2007.

Professor E.h. (Tongji-Univ.), Dr. Ing. E.h., Senator E.h. E.h., Dottore Magistrale ad honorem, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Klaus Fischer, Owner, CEO of the Holding and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the fischer Group of Companies
Professor E.h. (Tongji-Univ.), Dr. Ing. E.h., Senator E.h. E.h., Dottore Magistrale ad honorem, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Klaus Fischer, Owner, CEO of the Holding and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the fischer Group of Companies


Born on 17 August 1950 in Freudenstadt, married, two children.


Studied at the FH Konstanz for a degree in engineering


Entry into the fischerwerke


Appointment as Technical Director


Appointment as General Manager


Economic medal of the state of Baden-Württemberg

Klaus Fischer appointed Managing Director in 1980
Prof. Klaus Fischer was appointed General Manager of fischerwerke in 1980. 


Honorary Senator of the University of Soil Culture, Vienna


Honorary Senator of the University of Stuttgart


Cross of Merit on the Band of the Ordinance of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany


Medal of honour from the town of Altheim
Citizen’s Medal of the Municipality of Waldachtal

With the citizen’s medal from his home municipality of Waldachtal, Prof. Klaus Fischer in 2006. 


Honorary Professor at Tongji University, Shanghai
Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class


Padua city seal, highest award of the university city

“Award of Excellence” of CLUB 55 – European community of experts in marketing and sales


Baden-Württemberg Competence Award

Honorary citizenship of the municipality of Waldachtal

In 2009, Prof. Klaus Fischer the highest award in the university city of Padua.


Inclusion in the Hall of Fame of family companies

DIY-Lifetime Award


Grashof coin of the VDI


Global DIY-Lifetime Award
Lifetime Award of CLUB 55 – European community of experts in marketing and sales


Prof. Klaus Fischer receives the Order of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg

Prof. Klaus Fischer receives the Global DIY Lifetime Award in 2016. 


Honorary Doctorate in Engineering for Safety in Construction and Industry from the University of Padua

Honorary citizen of the city of Jagodina in Serbia


Prof. Klaus Fischer receives an honorary doctorate in engineering from the University of Stuttgart

Prof. Klaus Fischer receives honorary citizenship of the town of Invanocie na Hané (Czech Republic)



In 2021, Prof. Klaus Fischer was awarded the honorary doctorate of the University of Padua. 


Internationalisation of the company
The family-owned company has a worldwide staff of about 4,700 employees in 50 operative subsidiaries and exports to about 120 countries.
Implementation of the fischer process system
fischer implements lean and customer-oriented processes in all areas of the company.
Quality Assurance & Control
fischer is certified according to DIN ISO 9001.
Introduction of a mission statement
fischer employees act according to the core values:- innovative- independent- serious
Active environmental protection
fischer is committed to the twelve guiding principles of the WIN Charter.
Expansion of the fischer Group
fischer has been a leading fastening specialist since the acquisition of Upat GmbH & Co. and ROCCA Bauchemie GmbH & Co.
Excellent training
fischer achieves an above-average training rate of 9 percent and offers an extensive range of training courses.