
fischer Consulting is a “Top Innovator 2020”

fischer Consulting is among the “TOP 100” most innovative SMEs in Germany, according to an analysis by compamedia GmbH. The consultancy firm provides transnational project support to the fischer Group of Companies, known for its fixing systems. The consultants have also worked with companies working in machinery and plant engineering, industrial goods, supplies and construction for over 15 years. Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar, a mentor for the “TOP 100” competition, is visibly impressed by fischer Consulting’s performance.

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Construction industry gathers under the banner of lean management

fischer Consulting invited representatives of the construction industry to the second customer forum in the northern Black Forest. The agenda included keynote speeches on the opportunities of increasing productivity and quality through lean management as well as the “zero-defects construction site”. The consultancy firm’s event offered a platform for networking and the transfer of knowledge. Best practice tours of fischer’s manufacturing facilities were a particular highlight. As part of the fischer Group of Companies, which includes the renowned fixing products, fischer Consulting provided participants with a crossover into the construction industry.

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Professional support from a proven partner

“Effective. Together” is the motto of fischer Consulting. The specialist for lean and efficient processes is part of the fischer Group of Companies, which also includes the renowned fixing systems. The consultancy firm has revised its product portfolio and is presenting itself as an effective and down-to-earth partner in industries where numerous projects have already been successfully completed. fischer Consulting is becoming a central network partner to the industries with its experienced and skilled team of consultants.

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New fischer Consulting website

Project management and organisation are crucial to success. fischer Consulting provides support during individual and partially turbulent phases and helps successfully complete projects in a lean and economic manner under the motto “Effective. Together”. As part of the fischer Group of Companies, which includes the renowned fixing systems, fischer Consulting benefits from the knowledge gained from projects within the company environment. fischer Consulting is now offering its services on a redesigned website.

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Efficient sawing is a win-win situation

The sawmill industry in Germany processes more than 35 million cubic metres of timber per year, almost 100 percent of which comes from domestic woodland. However, modern sawmills are no longer the romantic watermills set in the idyllic countryside that you’d imagine. There are around 2000 plants in the sector, all working with powerful and efficient sawmill technology which is partly operated in the Cloud. Pollmeier Massivholz GmbH & Co. KG operates the largest hardwood sawmills in Europe. At its site in Aschaffenburg, Pollmeier is aiming for a targeted problem solving culture with the newly established Shopfloor Management.

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