Corporate group wins Germany-wide test

fischer honored for best training


To complete the study, the Institute for Management and Economic Research (Institut für Management- und Wirtschaftsforschung (IMWF)) surveyed the 20,000 largest employers in Germany on behalf of Focus Money and Deutschland Test. The companies received a questionnaire on five main topics: Training success, structural data, training rate, training wages and additional services. The survey analysis made up 25 percent of the overall assessment. The other three quarters resulted from an analysis of various internet sources. Around 400,000 nominations were recorded and evaluated in this manner between January and December, 2018. The respective winners received the maximum number of points in their individual industries. The fischer group of companies received 100 points, the highest possible score.

The award, “Germany's best training companies 2019,” confirms the high level of importance placed on training, and the outstanding quality of training at fischer. Recently, in December, business magazine Capital and talent platform gave fischer excellent marks in a Germany-wide survey on current training standards, awarding the company its highest grade and naming it the study winner and “Best trainer in Germany.” fischer hires roughly 40 interns and dual students each year. Information on training at fischer is available on the fischer website at


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