Adventures with fischertechnik’s Smart SuperZoom

An on-the-go microscope

fischertechnik offers a building experience and an element of discovery with its new Smart SuperZoom Set, which allows users to pair it with their own smart phone. Children aged 7 and over can develop their motor skills while assembling the set. The set contains a descriptive instruction manual as well as a high-quality lens.

The magnifying glass can be attached to smart phones with a vacuum pad regardless of the type of device. Any smart phone can be connected to the flexible and adjustable fischertechnik magnifying glass. The microscope is firmly attached without any adhesives using the vacuum pad which can be removed without leaving any residue.

Those who have made magnificent discoveries can therefore quickly share their unusual findings with friends and family using a smart phone.

Due to its 26X magnification the practical magnifying glass is also suitable for the visually impaired. The mini microscope can also be used without a mobile phone.  

Click here to download the press-release.
Sandra Roth
Press relations officer fischertechnik,
fischer Consulting,
fischer Innomation,
fischer Innovative Moulds