fischertechnik values sustainability

Sustainable learning is in high demand

fischertechnik’s construction kits comprise a broad range of products, starting with the large, easy-to-use parts of the JUNIOR range for three-year-olds to more complex construction kits which can be used to programme and build robots. Constructing models with fuel cells demonstrates how renewable energy works. The ROBOTICS product range offers a simple introduction to the world of programming and smart homes.  

One building block – many uses!
The construction kits are popular among children around the globe, as well as in classrooms and educational facilities. Lots of schools use fischertechnik in their project groups to implement projects or hold competitions. The organisers particularly appreciate the opportunity provided by fischertechnik to delve into STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in a playful manner.

The high-quality components allow structural models to be built based on real buildings. fischertechnik has already been used as a model for several famous structures. One small model helped simulate the expansion of the Suez Canal, for instance.

The “industry” sales branch was created in 2017. Ready-made factory models a metre in height and featuring cloud connectivity simulate Industry 4.0 processes at universities and industrial companies. IT companies such as IBM and SAP connect their software to a factory simulator using fischertechnik to test it  before launching.

fischertechnik is sustainable
Unlike many other toy manufacturers in the industry, fischertechnik develops and manufactures its products in Germany, avoiding long transport routes. Instead, this results in more flexibility, allowing products to even be delivered shortly before Christmas. fischertechnik invests in the quality of its products and high-grade accompanying materials. The building blocks have been combinable since their market launch in 1965 and are praised by fans for their particularly high durability. Even constructions towering at a height of several metres remain solid thanks to the famous fischertechnik building blocks.

Sustainability is also an important aspect of the fischerTiP creative material that was launched in 1998. The bright fischerTiPs are made of potato starch and food colouring, making them completely safe to use. The corresponding tools used to make fantastic figures and models by dampening them with water are made of resource-efficient bioplastics.

Last year, fischertechnik was presented with the “sustainable commitment” award for its commitment to sustainability by Focus Money. The fischer Group of Companies, which fischertechnik belongs to, won the German Sustainability Award in 2019. The award is Europe’s biggest and most important award in the field of sustainability.  

Click here to download the press-release.
Sandra Roth
Press relations officer fischertechnik,
fischer Consulting,
fischer Innomation,
fischer Innovative Moulds