Experiencing solar energy with fischertechnik

Solar-powered helicopter


A helicopter, airplane, windmill and carousel powered by solar energy: The fischertechnik Solar Power construction kit (49.90 Euro, available from March) makes these models of the future become reality. The 167 components contained in the kit can be used to build 4 models. The accompanying high-quality solar module gets things going. The ideal construction kit to become familiarised with solar energy, an important topic of the future, in a playful manner.

In the garden, on the roof, at home – solar energy is becoming increasingly popular in light of the energy revolution. fischertechnik has provided the ideal introduction to these topics with the Solar Power construction kit.

The construction kit contains four models that can be built in sequence. They are set in motion once connected to the accompanying solar module and equipped with the solar motor. This causes the rotor blades of the helicopter to rotate and the carousel to spin.

The construction kit not only teaches children haptic assembly, but also allows them to power the models using solar energy. Fun for all ages.

The construction kit is recommended for children aged 8 and up. The accompanying educational material contains additional all-encompassing information on solar energy.


Sandra Roth
Press relations officer fischertechnik,
fischer Consulting,
fischer Innomation,
fischer Innovative Moulds