fischertechnik construction kits for robotics beginners

Omniwheels vehicles and dancing robots

The Robotics Smarttech construction kit provides an insight into the future of autonomous vehicles with a user-friendly controller. The TXT Smart Controller contained in the kit was designed for beginners who want to get to grips with programming robotics. The newly developed ROBO Pro Coding programming language supports graphic and text-based programming and has a selection of various learning levels. Its graphic interface makes it ideal for learning the universal Python programming language at a later stage. 

ROBO Pro Coding can be used to programme vehicles, for instance, which are equipped with a new tyre concept often found in mobile robotics. Omniwheels allow vehicles to move when space is limited by moving sideways or diagonally. The vehicles can even rotate on the spot. fischertechnik specially developed robust high-quality components to guarantee the functionality of the versatile vehicles. 

The dancing robot is another appealing model that can perform funny movements and rotations once it has been set up and programmed. 

Before more challenging models such as these are built, beginners can try their hand at simpler designs. The demo model explains the basics, such as how to programme and control the motor and switch. The motor runs for a predefined period at the touch of a button, while a rotating dial featuring a graphic is set in motion to initiate an optical illusion. Experienced builders can have a go at a mobile robot that can be used to programme various driving tasks. 

The construction kit can be used to build and programme nine different robotics models. Programmes can be shared and exchanged with other users via the fischertechnik Cloud. The construction kit is suitable for children aged 10 and up.

Sandra Roth
Press relations officer fischertechnik,
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