Fully functional fischertechnik fire engine

Fire engines for daredevils


Many children dream of extinguishing a fire, which is why fire trucks are a popular feature in many kids’ rooms. A self-built vehicle makes playing all the more fun. The impressive vehicles are easily assembled with the child-friendly instructions. 

A standard 0.5-litre plastic bottle turns the impressive vehicle into a utility vehicle. The original lid of the PET bottle is replaced by the supplied adapter, which turns the bottle into a water tank that can be used to start actively fighting fires. The connected air pump creates pressure. Once the valve has been opened, water shoots out of the connected fire hoses, giving children a playful grasp of the connection between air and water pressure. Together with the accompanying playing figure called fischertechNik children can dive into many an exciting adventure. 



Sandra Roth
Press relations officer fischertechnik,
fischer Consulting,
fischer Innomation,
fischer Innovative Moulds