Learning about statics and measuring forces

Building static models and measuring forces

Why is a triangle so important to the world of statics? Where do we encounter this in day-to-day life? These static principles and others are explored through fischertechnik STEM Statics using practical model examples. The set explores topics such as compressive and tensile forces as well as statics and forces in the equilibrium of stationary bodies. The results of the practical experiments can be measured and verified with the self-assembled contained in the kit. Pupils learn ways of thinking and working with physics with a sense of fun and discovery and retain what they have learned in the long term. Ten models can be built with the STEM Statics construction kit, including a frame house, a crane and various bridges. What happens if struts or angle brackets are removed or added? Stability and strength are tested in 21 different experiments which demonstrate the functional features of supporting structures. This illustrates the relationship between the strength and connection of structural components. 

Once a model has been built, tensile and compressive forces can be measured with the spring scale made of fischertechnik building blocks, which demonstrates whether the physical calculations carried out correspond to reality. The set also allows you to test whether a model has been set up correctly or whether further amendments are required to adjust the force distribution. The spring scale can be used for many other experiments during lessons. 

Accompanying educational material is available online and contains assignments and their respective solutions in addition to an overview of learning objectives, how long assignments take as well as the respective curriculum references for each of Germany’s federal states. School lessons can therefore be given a playful, targeted upgrade with the construction kit without requiring a great deal of preparation. 

The components and educational materials are stored in a sturdy storage box with clear compartments into which the parts can be sorted and put away. 

fischertechnik’s STEM construction kits
All of the products in fischertechnik’s Education line are developed in close cooperation with teachers and education experts to meet lesson requirements. The innovative educational materials convey a basic technical understanding and give pupils an ideal preparation for technical professions. fischertechnik’s educational construction kits are used around the world to explore the following topics: Mechanics, statics, simple machines, hydraulics, pneumatics, renewable energy, fuel cells, optics and light, electronics, robotics, mechatronics, automation, data logging and Industry 4.0 as well as the Internet of Things. The products remain consistent in terms of meeting quality and sustainability requirements, as each construction kit is made in Germany and can be combined with other construction kits.

Sandra Roth
Press relations officer fischertechnik,
fischer Consulting,
fischer Innomation,
fischer Innovative Moulds