An entry-level model for illustrating supervised learning

Getting to grips with artificial intelligence with fischertechnik education

fischertechnik education offers a learning concept that can be used to explain supervised learning, a subcategory of artificial intelligence, with Robotics Add On: AI. The impressive combination of theory and practice fosters long-term technological skills and solution-oriented thinking, preparing young people for careers of the future. 

Advances in digitalisation are fundamentally changing the way we work and live, with entire career fields and occupations undergoing changes. Digital education will therefore become a basic prerequisite for an individual’s success in the job market and for the competitive power of companies.

Developed for secondary school, the fischertechnik education Robotics Add On: AI learning concept allows pupils to explore a key area of future technology: supervised learning. By understanding how supervised learning works, pupils learn how intelligent machines are used in the industry.

The fischertechnik education Robotics Add On: AI model was developed by experienced engineers, programmers, teachers and neurologists and contains information and tasks adapted to the curriculum. The accompanying material features comprehensive and simple descriptions, making it easy to work with. Hands-on lessons make pupils enthusiastic about the technology of the future. 

By combining theory and practice, young people gain an understanding of highly complex processes as well as problem-solving skills while developing their confidence and team spirit.

The set contains three models with various levels of difficulty to build a trainable basic model, an intelligent barrier or a sorting line with a conveyor belt, which recognises and sorts the right workpieces. The models are equipped with sensors and actuators. 

The AI with machine learning is implemented in Tensorflow, which involves training an artificial neural network with image data. The trained AI is run through the fischertechnik TXT 4.0 Controller. The model’s sequence control is implemented through the ROBO Pro Coding programming environment and Python.

It can also be used to programme individual AI applications, which are trained in Python with the TensorFlow framework. Python is a universal programming language that’s easy to learn. A sample project is available for training purposes. 

fischertechnik teaching material
fischertechnik’s STEM teaching concepts offer fascinating applications in robotics, renewable energy, pneumatics and artificial intelligence, as well as many other subject fields. Pupils explore key future technologies in a playful and hands-on manner, gaining digital skills step by step. The fischertechnik education sets convey knowledge that will be essential to many careers, preparing learners for their future. Teachers are supported in delivering relevant learning objectives in STEM subjects in line with abilities and the curriculum through stimulating and exciting lessons with the fischertechnik range of teaching materials. The learning concepts range from years 1 to 13 in primary and secondary schools through to vocational training and higher education. fischertechnik thereby enables schools of every kind to successfully navigate the digital transformation and deliver 21st-century skills. Young people learn skills such as critical thinking, reflective capacity, problem-solving, personal initiative and creativity. 

fischertechnik’s reputation for combining successful learning with fun has led teachers and psychologists at the Transfer Center for Neurosciences and Learning (ZNL) to recommend fischertechnik’s educational construction kits for Germany’s Spielen macht Schule school initiative.

In addition to toy sets and educational construction kits specifically designed for school lessons, fischertechnik also offers preassembled, compact function and simulation models for training and demonstration purposes. Training, development or presentations: fischertechnik’s training models are used across the globe for planning and simulation. They can be used to plan, develop and test industrial processes and offer versatile uses, particularly in the field of Industry 4.0.