For Technicians and Builders


New: fischertechnik PROFI Mechanic & Static 2

A rare sight: The signalman cranks the heavy gates up and down seemingly effortless. But how is the muscle force transferred? The simple functional model of a gate clearly illustrates this. Step by step the young designers understand, while building models, how toothed gears are used for force transfer and how in a gearbox the gear ratio changes with the use of varying sizes of gears.

Differential gears, universal joint, planetary gears or chain-driven gear transmissions – with the illustrative models in this building set, even complex types of drives from automobiles and machines can be understood by the young designers.

Worm gears on the other hand are used there where two shafts cross at an angle of 90° and very high ratios are required. A car jack and a scissors lift are driven with the fischertechnik worm gears. And how rotations can be converted into straight or swinging movements is explained by the function model of a four-joint drive and the model of a windscreen wiper motor and a hacksaw.

Exactly like the conversion of force into movement is understandably demonstrated, the basic principles of static are understood when building the models. Why is the table more stable when transverse and diagonal braces are attached? How does the stability of a bridge change if not only transverse beams are attached, but also a beam on top or underneath?

The PROFI Mechanic & Static 2 building set includes a fischertechnik XS Motor and a battery holder for a 9 volt block battery (battery not included) and the PLUS Accu Set or PLUS Power Set can also be added.

Sandra Roth
Press relations officer fischertechnik,
fischer Consulting,
fischer Innomation,
fischer Innovative Moulds