Experiencing solar energy with fischertechnik


Young constructors are building the world of tomorrow.  When the helicopter’s rotor blades move, the ventilator emits air and the airboat’s propeller spins, the goal has been reached: The self-assembled model’s solar rotor is in motion.

The fischertechnik ADVANCED Solar construction kit contains 80 components, from which three separate models can be assembled. The helicopter, airboat and ventilator are completed with a solar rotor, a combination of a solar cell and a motor.

The solar rotor is directly attached to the fischertechnik components, enabling versatile applications. The module can generate electricity (2 V/200 mA) for the integrated solar motor even when there is little sun or light.

The fischertechnik ADVANCED Solar construction kit has been successfully sold on the market for several years. The new edition from a series of multiple award-winning regenerative construction kits now features new design components in appealing colours.

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Images: fischer

Sandra Roth
Press relations officer fischertechnik,
fischer Consulting,
fischer Innomation,
fischer Innovative Moulds