Research, Development, Product Management

Research, Development, Product Management

Development and Product Management

In the field of research and development as well as product management, you can expect a wide range of challenges, from the qualification of our products according to national and international approval criteria to the development of individual parts and complete systems. You will accompany the entire development process from idea to series production and have the opportunity to actively contribute your ideas. Become part of a great team that works together on an equal footing and benefits from short decision paths. You work practically with freedom for your creative ideas on innovative technologies that change the market and set new standards. Take advantage of this opportunity and join us in shaping the future fastening solutions in the construction industry, products at fischertechnik and at fischer Automotive.

See our job offers


Innovatively positioned
fischer enables me to realise many new projects sustainably in an exciting development environment.
Jens Zimmerlin, Head of Product Management Business Unit Chemicals

Behind the scenes: How fischer develops chemical fasteners “Made in Germany”.

In our series “Behind The Scenes”, we have already introduced the Plastics Business Unit and the developers of fischer Italia. This time, the video provides exclusive insights into how the high-performance fischer injection systems and reaction cartridges are developed and produced in Denzlingen in the southwest of Baden-Württemberg. Jens Zimmerlin, Head of Product Management Chemicals, reveals even more details in an interview.

Learn more about the

Locations for developers and product managers (m/f/d)


Development for

  • Chemical fastening systems

More about Denzlingen


Development and project management in the areas of:

  • fischer Innomation
  • fischer Innovative Moulds

More about Horb


Development and Product Management for

  • fastening systems
  • fischertechnik

More about Waldachtal
