Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management services

In strategic purchasing, we are always looking for the most reliable suppliers, the best service level, the highest quality and the best price!

We negotiate and agree commercial framework conditions, contracts and service agreements with our suppliers and business partners. We reliably ensure the supply of our plants, national and international customers.

This applies to raw materials, components and merchandise that are necessary for the manufacture of our products, equipment and services. We make decisions independently and optimise existing processes within the supply chain. We also find reliable suppliers in new, emerging markets and build long-term partnerships. Optimising the quality and increasing the efficiency of all deliveries is our top priority. We focus on an intensive exchange with internal departments, the development of product group strategies and the skillful alignment of the area of responsibility. In addition to the strategic tasks, operational activities are also supervised and purchasing volumes are bundled across the entire company in order to ensure the necessary corporate success.

See our job offers


The purchasing department is the right place for you if you have ...

strong analytical skills
a good commercial and technical understanding
an intrinsic motivation for change
an open, communicative manner
a high level of problem-solving skills
intercultural skills and are interested in getting to know other countries and cultures
a preference for teamwork

International logistics and process management manages the distribution centres in the fischer supply chain network.

The ultimate goal is to ensure the availability and supply of materials to our subsidiaries and customers, and to manage stocks within the global logistics network. With the fischer ProcessSystem, we strategically, efficiently and sustainably improve process quality for all logistics and transport services. National and international transports between the plants and to our customers are strengthened by strategically and economically sensible partnerships with logistics service providers and supported by integrated logistics purchasing. By using our process specialists and key users, the ERP, EWM and warehouse systems are always aligned to the current requirements.


Locations for Supply Chain Management


Supply chain management in the area of fastening systems with the following departments

  • Inbound and outbound
  • Operational logistics processing 
  • Disposition
  • International logistics and process management 

More about Waldachtal


Supply Chain Management in the area of fastening systems with the department

  • Order Management

More about Freiburg


Supply Chain Management for

  • fischer Innovative Moulds
  • fischer Innomation

More about Horb
