More prospects, less waste


Steady growth and increasing customer needs prompted Bonda to take optimisation measures with professional support. After the informative value stream analysis conducted by fischer Consulting, the initial request for a performance indicator system extended to a comprehensive analysis and optimisation of the production process.

Flow production in the handicraft business: Is it possible?

Current state analyses were carried out in various areas of production. These revealed great potential in the area of material flow, in which search times and walking routes were then able to be optimised. The analyses yielded a clear result: Using flow production, the majority of production waste can be avoided in the future and therefore, work can be carried out far more efficiently.

But how could the principle of industrial mass production be applied to the handicraft industry? With the support of fischer Consulting, the Bonda employees worked on a customised production concept based on lean principles. The layout of the machines was redesigned, line-balancing of the work content was established and prototypes for racks were planned and manufactured. Finally, production was reconstructed and at the end, comprehensive staff training took place, testing the new work processes. After the testing phase, the result was certain: The output quantity could be increased by 25 percent.

Best equipped with the fischer ProcessSystem

“The fischer Consulting team found a direct line to our employees. This enabled them to build up trust so that they could also implement the expert knowledge acquired,” says Managing Director Yvonne Bonda. With its optimised process structure, the “Made in Germany” company is now optimally equipped for the future.

fischer Consulting is part of the fischer group of companies, which also includes the fixing systems division, operating worldwide. The consulting company has supported companies in streamlining their processes since 2004. The consulting division applies the fischer ProcessSystem which has emerged; the principle of continuous improvement. Alongside the optimisation of production and administrative processes, their services include support in the implementation of Industry 4.0 and digitalisation projects.


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Sandra Roth
Press relations officer fischertechnik,
fischer Consulting