Forum puts a focus on the construction industry

250 guests in India at fischer’s first International Expert Forum


The forum focussed on the construction industry, including earthquake safety, fire protection and standards, and brought together experts from all over the world. The speakers and the more than 250 guests in the packed hall focussed their questions on future construction trends, various innovative construction methods and the importance of connections in various areas of construction.

Professor Konrad Bergmeister, who heads the Institute of Structural Engineering at the Vienna University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, said: "fischer has organised a very successful forum here in India. It will attract attention in the construction industry throughout the country and will certainly increase demand. The mix of construction industry, planning engineers and science was very successful." Professor Akanshu Sharma from Purdue University in the USA said: "Events like the 'International Expert Forum' are of fundamental importance for India and its construction industry. fischer will benefit a great deal from this forum here in the country." 

Dr Oliver Geibig, Managing Director Business Units and Engineering at fischer, introduced the fischer Group of Companies to the guests and said: "It is a great honour for me to welcome so many industry experts here with us at fischer in India." Mayank Kalra, Managing Director of fischer India, said: "At fischer India, innovation, responsibility and reliability are essential in the construction industry. We are all about empowering our customers to achieve their construction goals with us." Uday Shikhare, Technical Director, fischer India, moderated the event and said, "We are honoured and overwhelmed by the response to fischer's first International Expert Forum in India." 


Selim Gezener
Press relations officer International Communications